One // If you know me, you know that food is my everything. No shame there, whatsoever. If you feel the same way (and I know so many of my friends do!), check out this incredibly hilarious Buzzfeed article, "25 Signs Dieting Just Isn't For You." Numbers 10, 14, 15 (hello, this post was all about vacation-eating!), 16 and 22 especially resonate with me. Nom, nom!
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Two // Continuing with the food theme (again, no shame here), "Chicago's Year in Fat: Our 10 Favorite Fatty Foods From 2013." Word to the wise, don't look at the calorie count underneath the pictures. It will definitely kill your buzz. Regardless, how I have lived without trying a Chocolate Pretzel/Nutella Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwich or Mac Attack Burger? All ten of these foods are on my must-try list now!
Three // So much truth in this Thrillist post, "18 Things You Have to Explain to Out-Of-Towners About Chicago." I always feel like I have to explain that yes, there are indeed beaches in Chicago. And yes, the lake is very big. They don't call 'em the Great Lakes for nothing! One thing to add to the list: Chicago is not called the Windy City because of the weather. It's because of the crazy politics, people!
Four // If you have been counting down the days until February 27 just like I have, you have to take this Buzzfeed quiz to find out "Which 'Scandal' Character Are You?" I'm conflicted on the accuracy of Buzzfeed quizzes, but regardless, I had to take this one! I got Olivia Pope, which I was obviously excited about (you know how much I'm obsessed!). Although I might be slightly guilty of trying to rig the results to get that response. Now let me just put my white hat back on...
Five // My roommate, Carmen, showed me this Buzzfeed post, "15 Olympic Sports Any Twentysomething Could Totally Win," the other day and I was literally cracking up about every one of them. Although I am kind of glad the Games are over this year, I would be totally willing to train for the next four years if speed hating, speed stalking or Netflix half marathon were sports.
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Happy Wednesday! Have you stumbled on any funny Buzzfeed articles? Share 'em!