Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good Day

Yesterday was a day that goes down in the books as one of the best days as a PR intern. I was pretty busy, and that's what made it so much fun!

While I had to wake up at 4:30 yesterday morning (which to me is practically night), it was well worth it to see the taping of the Today Show in Millennium Park. They were planning on filming the whole show in the Chi, but after the Oklahoma tornado (my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved!), they decided to just film the third hour here. You know what that means? I got to see my favorite, Willie Geist! Natalie Morales was there as well, and she was wearing the cutest trimmed trench coat. It's going on my must-have list!

So the reason we spent the morning at the Today Show was to promote a client campaign. I helped make some signs on Monday and then held them up with some co-workers during the show to get national coverage for the campaign.

It was raining basically the whole time, but it was ok because I got to see Bill Rancic in person. And trust me, he is just as tall in real life, and has the whitest teeth. Am I right?!

Here's Natalie, Willie, and Bill near the Bean. Bill was kind of like the Chicago local telling the hosts all about the city.

Stefan Holt made it out too. He's the morning anchor of NBC 5 News (and also the son of Lester Holt!).

My dad taped the show and here are some shots of the TV. That pale blue umbrella a little right of Willie's shoulder in the back is my friend, Jessica.

And you can just barely see the top of my head in the back here. Plus, I made the signs right above me!

And, we are famous! Our sign, and my co-workers, were featured in a picture from the Today Show's Instagram. In the upper right square is Steven and Meg with the signs we made. I wrote the #ILmagstuff one!

All in all, a great day! Loving my internship.

Tell me about one of your awesome internship days!

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