Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So I need your opinion. I got an iPad mini for my birthday (can't open it yet though, still 10 days til the big 21!) but now I need a cute case to put it in. Obviously it needs to be both functional and pretty. I found some options on Amazon, but I'm just not sure which one I like best. There seems to be so many options for the regular iPad, but not so many for the mini. Argh!

Here are some options I came up with. What do you think?

Leopard print // Love me some leopard, but I also have a leopard iPhone case. Is that too matchy-matchy?

London // I mean obviously I have a special place in my heart for London. But do I want it on my iPad? Just can't decide.

Floral // This is a pretty floral but don't know if it's too old lady.

Chevron // This multi-colored chevron is adorable, but it's a little pricey. And I think I want a full-coverage case to keep it safe in my bag.

Hot pink // Neon pink leather is always a good option. But too bright?

Any other suggestions? What do you think?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Catching Up

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Thank you to all those veterans that have served and are serving our country! Yesterday was a great day to remember their accomplishments. And in case you love a good Navy-Dad-surprises-his-kids video as much as I do, check out this one. Just warms my heart!

I had a very busy weekend! Friday night I hung out with some friends from high school and struggled to stay awake with them. It was only midnight. I really am an old lady. On Saturday night, my parents and I met up with some family friends in Greek Town. It was so much fun and the food was delicious! I spent Sunday in South Bend at my cousin's soccer tournament. Jen did a great job and it was fun to spend the day with family! Memorial Day was spent with more family grilling burgers. Yum!

Monday night I tried to catch up on applying to PRSSA scholarships and awards. In case you haven't already, don't forget to apply for Teahan Awards for your Chapter. There are tons of individual scholarships for you to apply to as well. The deadline for most of them is June 7, so you still have some time!

I haven't had more time to blog this weekend, but I will leave you with these pictures as inspiration for an upcoming post. Can you guess what color trend I'm loving right now (and apparently you have to pose with your left hand up to pull it off?!)?

Photo from: Kendi Everyday

How was your weekend?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good Day

Yesterday was a day that goes down in the books as one of the best days as a PR intern. I was pretty busy, and that's what made it so much fun!

While I had to wake up at 4:30 yesterday morning (which to me is practically night), it was well worth it to see the taping of the Today Show in Millennium Park. They were planning on filming the whole show in the Chi, but after the Oklahoma tornado (my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved!), they decided to just film the third hour here. You know what that means? I got to see my favorite, Willie Geist! Natalie Morales was there as well, and she was wearing the cutest trimmed trench coat. It's going on my must-have list!

So the reason we spent the morning at the Today Show was to promote a client campaign. I helped make some signs on Monday and then held them up with some co-workers during the show to get national coverage for the campaign.

It was raining basically the whole time, but it was ok because I got to see Bill Rancic in person. And trust me, he is just as tall in real life, and has the whitest teeth. Am I right?!

Here's Natalie, Willie, and Bill near the Bean. Bill was kind of like the Chicago local telling the hosts all about the city.

Stefan Holt made it out too. He's the morning anchor of NBC 5 News (and also the son of Lester Holt!).

My dad taped the show and here are some shots of the TV. That pale blue umbrella a little right of Willie's shoulder in the back is my friend, Jessica.

And you can just barely see the top of my head in the back here. Plus, I made the signs right above me!

And, we are famous! Our sign, and my co-workers, were featured in a picture from the Today Show's Instagram. In the upper right square is Steven and Meg with the signs we made. I wrote the #ILmagstuff one!

All in all, a great day! Loving my internship.

Tell me about one of your awesome internship days!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Roaring Twenties

It was inevitable. I've caught The Great Gatsby fever, just like most of America. I saw the movie last weekend and it was to die! With all the hype, I wasn't sure how it would shape up, but it did not disappoint.

I read the book junior year of high school but didn't remember most of it. I tried to re-read it on the train last week but got about half way through it and then quit. So when I saw the ending of the movie, I was completely surprised. Such a good plot!

What was better than the plot? You guessed it! The fashion. Unbelievable! Let's start with this look from Daisy.

How can you not love this outfit? I think the reason I adore the twenties so much is that they over-accessorized. Everything was sparkle-y and big and beautiful. The pearls, the diamonds, the fur. Put it all together and I'm in heaven.

This dress is my favorite of Daisy's from the movie. All that sparkle plus the headpiece. I wish I had a Gatsby-esque party to go to so that I could wear this dress. It needs the proper occasion, no? I also love that the dress is a little bit longer. So much more elegant than some of the mini-dress numbers you see today.

Tiffany's has a Gatsby inspired collection that I am just swooning over. While just about everything in the collection is out of my price range (darn!) a girl can look, right? If I had a Gatsby budget, these are the pieces I would splurge on.

This headpiece is just like Daisy's and would be perfect for a special occasion. With a champagne-colored sparkley, flapper-esque number, this piece would be divine! Layer with a strand of pearls, and get ready to do the Charleston. 

OMG this yellow diamond ring?! Yes, please! Stacked with other diamond stunners or on its own, this ring speaks for itself. Majorly lusting for this right now!

After ogling Gatsby's pinky ring in the movie, I think this onyx piece would be just fabulous for your man. So classic and timeless, I'm hoping that men embrace the ring trend (and I'm talking more than just wedding bands!). Jewelry isn't just for women anymore!

What were your favorite looks from the movie?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Switch It Up!

One of my favorite things about getting dressed is the finishing touches. That faux-diamond necklace that sparkles in the sun. A perfectly tied scarf to dress up a casual tee. A bright shoe that makes an otherwise bland outfit pop.

But sometimes it can be tricky to find just the right piece to go with an outfit. Especially when I tend to get in ruts with my jewelry. Sometimes I find a necklace that goes perfectly with a dress and it's hard to get out of my comfort zone.

The other night my friend sent me a picture of a plain pink dress and wanted to know how to dress it up with accessories. Inspired by her fashion question, I put together three different looks with a similar pink number from J.Crew. It's amazing how an entire look can change with just a belt or chunky necklace!

Mint belt // I love how a belt can cinch any look at the waist and create an hourglass shape. Instantly classy! This skinny mint belt is a perfect pop of color and the adorable Mary Janes complete the look. Pink and mint look great together and the combo is spot-on for summer.

Neon // Another trend I'm loving for spring is neon. While a head-to-toe highlighter look might not be best for the office, subtle pops make you stand out appropriately. I'm loving the beautiful crystals in the necklace and neon against the pale pink. Neon pumps put together the outfit perfectly.

Necklace: J.Crew  Pumps: DSW

Chunky // I've admired this chunky, tribal necklace for months and I think it would go great with this dress. It's hard to tell from the picture, but there are little pink beads that surround the gold sections that perfectly match the frock. With a chunkier necklace, it's best to choose simple shoes, so a cobalt flat is the way to go.

Necklace: Francesca's Flats: Tory Burch

How do you change up a look with accessories?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Just a Little Monday Inspiration

The first weekend after starting my internship was heavenly. Basically the only thing that got me out of bed last Friday morning was the fact that I could wear jeans to work and that I could catch up on sleep over the weekend. I didn't wake up on Saturday until 11, which was just what the doctor ordered. I appreciate sleep so much more now that I'm busy again.

Now that it's Monday, I need a little bit of motivation to get me going again. Especially with an alarm that goes off at 5:30 every morning.

I stumbled upon this meme in the June issue of Glamour and I'm loving these words of wisdom!

Whether it be with school, work, or in a relationship, you have to put yourself out there to get what you want.

Take that leap of faith! You never know where you will fall. 

Happy Monday!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sweet Home Chicago

Welp. I officially feel like an old lady. It's not even 10 p.m. and I'm exhausted! Plus my back hurts and my feet have blisters from all the walking. Commuting and working downtown is tough work! Other than my grandma tendencies, I'm loving every minute. From the sunny walks in the morning to helping a co-worker on a project to eating lunch outside, this summer is shaping out to be a good one!

More specifically, spending so much time downtown reminds me of how much I love Chicago. While London and New York still rank pretty high up there on my list of favorite cities, Chicago just has a special place in my heart. After all, I have spent (almost) 21 years of my life here. It's home!

To celebrate my love for the Chi, here are my top 10 things—in no particular order—about the Windy Cindy!

1. The Food // Enough said. Let's start with: Portillo's. Their Chicago-style hot dogs (no ketchup allowed here!) are to die and they boast the best chocolate cake you will ever taste. For deep dish pizza, Lou Malnati's is the way to go. Garrett's popcorn is also a hit—can't go wrong with the cheese and caramel corn mixed! Plus, my local favorites including Brant's burgers, Nutella milkshakes from Edzo's, and gyros from Nicky's. My mouth is watering just writing this post.

2. Lincoln Park Zoo // While the selection of animals may not be the most plentiful, I grew up at this zoo. I have the best memories of bundling up with my mom and grandma for Zoo Lights or renting a paddle boat during the summer. To this day, I still love going back to remember my childhood. And to see the brick with my mom's name on it to thank her for donating money to the sea lion exhibit.

The beautiful skyline at Zoo Lights last winter.

3. Macy's formerly known as Marshall Fields // The iconic State Street location is the best place to shop in the city, housed in the most beautiful building. I love the Tiffany's ceiling over the cosmetics department and the Walnut Room in the winter with the HUGE Christmas tree. Another favorite is seeing the decorated windows at Christmastime.

4. Michigan Avenue // To continue with the shopping in Chicago, Michigan Avenue is surely the place to be. From my favorite Nordstrom store to Zara to Tiffany's, everything you can possibly imagine is here. Plus, it's such a pretty location and just a pleasant street to walk down.

Anniversary sale shopping at Nordstrom with my friend, Linden. The best time of the year!

5. Field Museum // I've been going to this museum since I was a kid and I still love the mummy exhibit today. It's such a classic museum and no matter how many times I visit, there is always something new to see or enjoy.

My friends and I with Sue at the Field Museum a few summers ago.

6. North Avenue Beach // So many gorgeous views of the city from this beach in the heart of the city. You can't beat a day spent in the water, lounging in the sand and looking up at the Hancock Building.

Aside from shopping, Linden and I also had to visit the beach on her trip.

7. The Bean in Millenium Park // I can't be alone in saying that I love a good selfie, especially when there is a huge reflective surface to take tons of fun pictures off of. The Bean is just plain fun and I love that I can look out of my building at work and see the park. Just beautiful.

IU friends take the city over winter break.

8. Sears Tower // Sorry, but I will never call it Willis Tower. The views from the top are sensational, especially when you step out into the glass cages suspended over the edge of the building. I love going up there with my mom because she knows where everything in the city is located and makes a great tour guide.

9. Moving Walkway at O'Hare // I loved strutting around O'Hare with my Barbie suitcase when I was a kid, especially when bopping down the moving walkway under the colorful lights between terminals. If you've ever been to O'Hare, you know what I'm talking about. The lights are just so pretty and make moving walkways even more fun!

Cool, huh?!

10. Midwest Spirit // While there is no doubt that Chicago is a big city, it still maintains that Midwestern, friendly spirit. The city just exudes a welcoming feeling. Even though this place is home to me, I imagine it feels that way for most, even if they've just visited once. Chicago is a place that you want to come back to, plain and simple.

What's your favorite city? Tell me about it!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Just Can't Deal...

Success! I started my internship yesterday and it went fabulously! I had such a blast meeting my team and it seems like I'm going to really enjoy working with everyone. I'm obsessed with having my own cubicle (note to self: need to decorate my space) and the fact that I feel like a real person now that I'm working in the city.

I started along with my friend Jessica (IU PRSSA represent!), so it was great to see a friendly face right off the bat. I just met with my team and got acquainted to the office, so I'm looking forward to getting to work today. I'm sure I will have plenty on my plate shortly.

One of the downsides about working in the city and living in the suburbs is the commute. However, it is great for two things: reading and people-watching. I will focus on the latter in this post—but if you want my take on the former, read here.

To my surprise (and disgust!) I noticed a common theme among some women on the go. While on their way to work, plenty of women donned gym shoes with their professional attire. I even saw a lady with tights and athletic shoes. Case in point?

Yeah, no thank you!

I'm all for comfort while commuting, but I just cannot swallow this fashion statement—can you even call it that?! No one, and I mean no one, can pull off this look. I know that heels are impractical when walking to the office. I have a 1.5 mile walk from the train station to my building, so I completely understand. But a sensible pair of flats, for me, have the same function as gym shoes but still look stylish.

You never know who you are going to run into on the way to work. That old flame, your boss, Ryan Gosling (a girl can dream, can't she?!). Would you want to be caught in those tennies? I didn't think so!

Ladies, toss your stilettos in your bag and make the hike to your office in a pair of comfy flats (I love this pair and have heard good things about this one as well). You will look put together and still be able to move it.

What do you think? Does comfort trump fashion when it comes to wearing athletic shoes when commuting?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mix Master

One of my new favorite trends is mixing patterns and prints. I've loved patterns on their own for years. From florals to stripes (a girl can never have too many striped shirts) to polka dots, I have a spot in my heart for all of them. But recently, I've seen some of my favorite fashion bloggers doubling the fun by—gasp!—mixing patterns together! Need convincing? See here, here, and here.

When I first noticed this trend, I was a little apprehensive. One print by itself can be a little overwhelming. But add another and that can give a girl fashion nightmares. But, the key to staying off the worst dressed lists (and preventing yourself from looking like a hot mess) is keeping it all in the family. The same color family that is.

I challenged myself to remix this polka dot skirt I got from Target the other week—bonus, it's under $25!—with four other prints. Because the base of the skirt is navy, I chose tops that incorporate that base color or play nicely with navy. Read: stay away from tops with black in them. It will look like you got dressed without the lights on when you step outside. P.S. I pulled this fashion faux pas on Sunday while hastily getting dressed, don't fall victim!

1. Polka dots // Don't be afraid to mix dots on dots. The trick to keep from looking like an extra from 101 Dalmatians is to use different base colors—see the red and navy here. Also, the dots are different sizes so it's clear that this mixing and matching was intentional. I love the peplum to draw you in at the waist and the three-quarter length sleeves are perfect, because you don't have to wear a blazer or cardi on top to keep it work appropriate. // Madewell 

2. Stripes // Myth: horizontal stripes make you look wider. This is not true, people! Just make sure you pick the right width for your body type. I find thinner stripes, like this top here, to be more flattering than a thicker stripe. Tuck the blouse in or leave it hanging loose as shown, and you will be styling on casual Friday in this knit number. // Old Navy (hurry, it's on sale for $6!!)

3. Floral // Confession: I bought this top to go with the polka dot skirt originally but I also own a pair of ankle pants in the same print (I blogged about them here)! Don't worry, I won't actually wear them together. I just adore all the colors in this floral print. From the mint to orange to pink to cobalt, this blouse has it all! But, because it has a navy base, it won't be too overwhelming with the navy pencil skirt. Wear it untucked to showcase the tunnel waist. Pair with a gray cardi, like this one, and you will be the envy of the office. // Target

4. Paisley // What I love about this paisley is how it's pretty transparent and is a larger print than most paisleys. Being a tall girl, I can pretty much pull off any print without being swallowed up by it, so this option might not be the best for someone on the petite side. This buttoned up blouse is perfect for a more conservative office to keep it professional while not calling too much attention to yourself with the print mixing. For a more casual vibe, tuck it in in the front and leave the back untucked, as shown here. // J.Crew (and it's on SALE!)

How do you mix prints while staying work appropriate?

Monday, May 13, 2013

First Day of School Jitters

I'm beyond excited to start my internship tomorrow. But with that excitement comes a little bit of nervousness as well (please tell me I'm not alone on this one!).

It's kind of like the first day of school all over again. I'm looking forward to that fresh start full of new opportunities and new friends. But at the same time, will they like me? Will I do a good job? Who will I eat lunch with in the cafeteria?

To prepare myself for the next three months, I've been reading article after article about how to be the best intern possible. From the 5 mistakes to avoid as an intern to 50 tips for a successful internship to 5 tips from a current PR intern. And if you really want to be well-informed, check out this ultimate guide for PR interns. Seriously, it has 15 links for landing and succeeding in your new internship, plus advice for non-interns. It will quickly become any aspiring PR professional's Bible.

Equipped with this knowledge, I came up with three goals to fuel me this summer. Hopefully, you can use them as a guide for your internship as well. Good luck for everyone starting a new internship or job this week. Congrats! We are in this together!

1. Network // Leading up to securing an internship this summer, I scheduled informational interviews with as many PR professionals as possible. Each new connection was a potential opportunity. A potential internship. A potential to learn. Don't lose sight of this fact once you've landed your internship. Go get coffee from the kitchen in the morning and chat about your weekend. Smile at the girl in the bathroom washing her hands next to you. Say "good morning" to the receptionist when you come in. Just as before, these connections are incredibly important. Making a good impression now will pave the way for future opportunities that could even turn into a job. Be friendly! Meet new people.

2. Learn // Be a sponge! Soak up everything you can. This is why you are doing what you are doing. If you don't know how to do something, don't be ashamed to ask. Your supervisor knows that you don't know it all, as much as that might be hard to admit (it certainly is for me!). Volunteer to do something that you've never done before. If you stumble along the way, at least you pushed yourself to do more. And your superiors will notice that. Grab new opportunities when they present themselves, even if you aren't directly instructed to do so. Pay attention in brainstorming meetings and offer to help out on a task. Your co-workers will appreciate the assistance and it shows you are self-sufficient and eager to help. Each new opportunity is a chance to learn.

3. Improve // While you are there to learn, at the same time, you want to make sure you are getting better. Ultimately, you need to be so valuable to your employer that they can't (or don't want to) get rid of you at the end of the summer. And just taking initiative is not enough. You have to be good at what you do. You don't have to be perfect when you walk in the door on the first day, but after a few weeks, your supervisor should be able to tell that you are getting better. Stretch yourself to succeed each and every day by trying something new. And also, ask for a review. In case your internship doesn't already have this built into the program (mine does), schedule a mid-internship review. Ask your supervisor what you are doing well and also what you could improve on. Be able to take constructive criticism to heart and don't get discouraged. They chose you for this position because they saw potential in you during your interview. Now, kick it to the next level. You can rock this!

What are your goals for your summer internship? Also, any advice for new interns?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Internship Wardrobe Boosters

One of the hardest (and most fun!) things leading up to an internship is developing a professional wardrobe. Last summer was especially difficult for me. I already had a closet full of cotton tees, comfy denim, and colorful tanks but few dressy tops or professional slacks. My wallet wouldn't allow for a whole new closet of work appropriate attire, but I needed a few key pieces.

It can be hard to figure out what to buy and slowly build an entirely new wardrobe. I quickly learned the key is to invest in a few pairs of pants, some silky tops, a blazer, and some dresses. These basics are the perfect building blocks for some great outfits and allow for some fun mixing and matching.

Here's a good starting guide with your summer internship basics. Just add some accessories—think fun statement necklaces , bold earrings, and a gold watch (more ideas here)—and mix in a few other tops and shoes. With a little creativity, no one will know that just two months ago your closet was filled with only sweatshirts and Converse.

1. I'm dying for lace this season and this skirt is a fun take on the trend. It's very reminiscent of this Valentino version at a fraction of the price. The black color is the perfect base for a bright top or pretty peplum. The panels on the side make it super slimming and the length is very Mad Men. Feel, and look, like a 2013 rendition of Joan.  // Bobeau via Nordstrom

2. Cobalt is one of my favorite colors. It really pops against my dark brown hair but also stands out for my blonde friends. This classic shape is perfect with a blazer or soft cardigan. Plus, the embellished neckline means you can go sans necklace. A simple pair of earrings and you are good to go. If you like print, I'm coveting this mod kate spade new york dress, although it's a bit of a splurge. // Ellen Tracy

3. This coral peplum number is a fun one for summer. It's a complimentary take on the peplum and I love the fluttered bottom. Pair it with just about anything for a good dose of color. Plus, it's the perfect layering piece under a blazer because you are still work appropriate if you take the jacket off at lunch. Ideal for steamy July days! // Bobeau via Nordstrom

4. An amazing pair of black cropped pants is great for summer! They go with anything and this curvy fit from Halogen is super comfy. I wore this pair all summer last year, with peplum tops or button-ups or topped with a bright blazer. If black isn't your style, this cobalt pair is equally versatile but with a little bit more pop. // Halogen via Nordstrom

5. Everyone needs a classic white button-up blouse. This J.Crew option will last for years and can be dressed up with some bold accessories—think this necklace. The top is a good base for the floral pants but can be mixed with other bottoms as well. // J.Crew

6. I absolutely adore these patterned pants. While they wouldn't be an everyday look, they are super cute. And this pair from Target is the perfect example of a trendy piece (you probably won't be wearing them next year) that I like to get for a bargain—they are less than $30! I prefer investing in items that will last year after year (like the black pants above) and saving on pieces that are more of-the-moment. // Target

7. Every working girl needs a pair of sensible black pumps. This option has just enough of a heel to look elegant, but you can still run around the office blister-free. They also come in coral and teal, which are super fun for summer. A cute pair of flats will be your best friend as well, especially when walking from the train station or bus stop in the morning. Try to stash a pair in your bag that are the same color as your heels in case your dogs are barking halfway through the day and you need to swap. These Sam Edelman flats are really comfy—and also come in an array of colors and patterns. // Vince Camuto

See also: a sleek tuxedo jacket is the perfect summer layering piece. It's fresh shape is fun and a little more casual than a traditional suit blazer.

What are your tricks for building a professional wardrobe?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Paris, je t'aime

I'm prefacing this post with the fact that it has nothing to do with PR or fashion. Sorry to disappoint, but I like to break the rules. I just really enjoyed this book and thought I should share! Seriously, it was so good!

The book is called The House I Loved by Tatiana de Rosnay. I literally finished it in two days, albeit the book is pretty short and I had plenty of free time on my five hour car ride home last week. Normally I don't fly through books, but I just couldn't put this one down.

It's by the same author as Sarah's Key (another great book if you haven't checked it out!). She writes a lot of historical pieces that center around Paris, where she currently lives. de Rosnay has the ability to transport you back in time and really make you feel like you are the characters she writes about. And there is something so innately magical about Paris in the 1860s. Or just Paris in general. Ever since I read The Paris Wife, I've been on a big Paris kick and I really, really want to go back!

This book in particular is written in the form of letters by the main character, Rose Bazelet, to her late husband, Armand. At the time she is writing the letters, Paris is going under a massive renovation, turning it into the "modern city" we think of today. However, Rose's house stands in the way of the construction plans and she is determined to fight against its destruction. The home was her husband's family home, where the Bazelet's lived for generations. Rose's dedication to not leave the home, despite its impending demolition, is so very poignant and heartfelt.

The book made me think of the importance of home and one's family. Especially for a college student, home is such a strange concept. I have my childhood home in the Chicago suburbs, where I grew up and lived for 18 years. But I also have my home(s) in Bloomington, that include three different dorms. I'm sort of in the in-between where my childhood house isn't really "home" anymore, but Bloomington isn't entirely either. Sometimes when I was reading, I envied Rose because she has such strong roots to one particular location. But at the same time, as a twenty-something, I thrive on having the freedom to move around and not be tied down to one spot.

The House I Loved also got me thinking about change. In today's society I think we are a lot more accepting of change. I mean, we have a new model of the iPhone out just about every year, and millions line up to swap in their old phones for the latest and greatest. In the 1860s, things didn't move as fast and I don't think they realized the good that could come from remodeling the city. We seem to view change as "better" now as technology constantly improves to make life easier. But it also begs the question, do we have the "shiny-new-toy-syndrome"? Are we continually striving for the newest and best thing that we aren't actually enjoying what we do have?

Ok, I'll get off my soap box for now, but you should seriously check out this book! It's a quick read but leaves you full of questions and really gets you to think. A perfect read on the train or subway ride to work in the morning!

And now I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures from Paris. I'm at the top of the Eiffel Tower and the view was INCREDIBLE! Take me back, please?!

What book are you excited to read this summer?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

London Calling

A year ago today was the first day of my internship in London. It feels like it was just yesterday but I miss my experiences at Bell Pottinger Business & Brand so much.

I went across the pond with about 20 other IU journalism students for two months as a part of the Summer in London program. We took a class on British media and interned at publications and agencies throughout the city. It was seriously the best thing I've ever done! I learned so much about the world, about myself, and about journalism/public relations.

There are so many things I still miss about my time abroad: the accents, everyone saying "cheers", The Angel, Ability Towers, the Tube, pesto mozzarella bloomers from Pret, Strongbow. The list goes on and on. But most importantly, I cherish all the friendships I made while abroad. You guys were the best people to travel and laugh with!

While I did manage to have (lots of!) fun in London, I also was there first and foremost to intern. To remember my time abroad, I rounded up some of my favorite professional looks from London. Sorry if the picture quality isn't the best, these were all from Facebook. Cheers!

The obligatory first day of interning picture with my flatmates, Jackie and Kourtney. A suit was the best way to go to feel out how "smart" (they don't use the terms "business casual" or "business professional"  to describe clothing over there) I would have to dress at my internship. It's always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. Let's just say I never touched the suit the rest of the trip, but at least I showed I was professional right off the bat!

Suit: Calvin Klein (Similar)  // Top: Unknown (Similar) // Pumps: Vince Camuto

I love, love, love this blue dress! Above, I'm on one of the canals in London with my friend, Haley, before The News Review. I wore this dress so much over the summer. Between the light, flouncy fabric and gorgeous cobalt blue color, this number really was a winner. And those flats? They were a champ in Paris. I really (stupidly) but them through the wringer that weekend but they still look great!

Dress: Eliza J (Similar) // Flats: Sam Edelman (Similar)

I was immediately drawn to the bright color of this skirt. It screams summer to me! Here I am in Piccadilly Circus picking up some last minute souvenirs with my friends, Claire and Michael (we constantly sang OneRepublic's Good Life while there). The floral top and bright skirt are both in the same color palette so while they are a statement, they work well together. I stood out—in the best possible way—in this outfit.

Top: Bobeau (Similar) // Skirt: Halogen

The one thing I learned in London was the importance of a plain trench coat. Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs one! While it was more of a necessity over there, they work great in the States too in that in-between spring weather. It can take the chill off in the morning but is not too bulky at lunch or when dodging some sprinkles. Here, I'm stylin' on Tower Bridge even though the skies were overcast.

Trench: Michael Kors (Similar)

What are some of your favorite professional summer staples?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mad Men Isn't Just About Advertising

First, I want to shout out to the one reader who checked out my posts from Thursday and Friday, even though I didn't promote them on social media. A big 'holla!' to whoever you are! In case everyone else missed them, the posts are here and here. Give 'em a look!

The end of last week was crazy as I moved out on Thursday then drove back home on Friday. On Monday, I finally got around to unpacking everything. My closet was the most difficult part of the move. I always seem to forget that I have so many clothes until they are all lying on my bedroom floor in heaps.

Organizational skills aside, I had a great weekend catching up on my new favorite show, Mad Men. I know, I know, I'm a little behind the times. I'm nearing the end of the third season now but I'm devoting this week to catch up before my internship starts. It's an ambitious goal, but I'm up to the challenge.

While I mostly enjoy the show because of the amazing fashion (I'm dying for Joan's pen necklace and all of Betty's floral dresses!) and Don Draper's beautiful face (I rest my case here), there are also so many one-liners that relate to PR.

One of my favorites of Don's is from season three, episode two: "If you don't like what is being said, change the conversation." 

This is the basis of public relations, of reputation management, and is the job of every PR practitioner or publicist out there. I think this quote especially applies to the recent J.C. Penney ad campaign apologizing for recent "changes." If you haven't seen the "It's No Secret" ads, here's one.

A little bit on the back story, basically, J.C. Penney was not successful with their "everyday low prices" strategy (remember those Ellen commercials?) as people were confused and discouraged at the lack of discounts in store. Couple this with a $4 billion loss from former CEO Ron Johnson, and things weren't looking so hot for this retailer.

In response, Penney's changed the conversation by issuing a series of ads containing a genuine apology for the retailer's recent setbacks. To me, the ads were sincere and heartfelt. They really showed that the retailer is listening to customers and is hoping to learn from their own mistakes. Feedback on Twitter is positive as well, according to this Forbes article. Don Draper obviously knew his stuff!

Clearly, the lessons from Mad Men are timeless (and so is the fashion!) which I think is what makes it such a hit. Another one of my favorite Don-isms: "Change is neither good nor bad, it simply is." Think on that one!

What's your take on the J.C. Penney ads? Cheesy? Insincere? Spot-on? Let me know!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Currently Craving

Finals week is officially O-V-E-R! Woohoo! Well, I actually didn't have any finals this semester (gotta love being a PR major—it's just projects and papers for this gal!) but I can still celebrate another year over.

I can't believe I'm actually going to be a senior. If you try to bring it up to me, please don't, because I'm still in denial about this inevitable fact. I just want to stay in my little college bubble forever!

Except for the fact that I'm super looking forward to my internship this summer and getting to relax at home. This is my last summer as a student and I am going to savor every minute of it!

Check out what I'm dying for right now to get me through a summer of hard work (and some fun too)!

1. So I'm a little late on the e-reader trend, but this is definitely on my birthday list this year. I have a two-hour commute round-trip this summer and I need something to keep me occupied without having to lug around a huge hardcover book in my Longchamp. This awesome new Kindle Fire HD is basically the same thing as an iPad but with a more reasonable price tag. I'm still not dead set on a Kindle, so if anyone has any opinion on the Kindle vs Nook vs Google Nexus debate, I'm all ears! // Kindle Fire HD

2. I've seen these retro shades on multiple fashion blogs recently but wasn't really buying it, until I tried on this similar pair from Target on Monday and fell in love! Don't be afraid of the round frames, even on a circular face like mine, I think anyone can pull them off. Check out my rose-colored glasses on my Instagram. Now I'm eyeing this neutral pair from Madewell, which will go with just about any breezy summer dress. // Madewell

3. I NEED this dress for my internship this summer. You all know I'm loving the black and white trend for summer and this would be a perfect addition to my wardrobe. I can see myself breezing into work in this dress with a simple black cardigan and hot pink belt. The graphic print stands out without being too obnoxious. Just add heels! // Eliza J

4. I know, I know. I have an actual book on this list as well as an e-reader. I'm full of contradictions! But until my birthday (June 8, in case you want to send a card!), I'll just have to resort to good old paper books. I've heard such great things about this one. The Chicago Tribune says Flynn “draws you in and keeps you reading with the force of a pure but nasty addiction.” Count me in! // Amazon

5. While also at Target, I stumbled upon this woven tote. I had an intense craving to go to the beach when I picked it up. It's big enough to fit all your beach (or pool) necessities in a colorful, graphic package. Too bad Lake Michigan (and most of Chicago) is freezing right now. // Target

What's on your wish list this week? 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

PRess Pass

A lot happened in the PR world this week. Take note and read up!

1. The New Look of Public Relations // Fleishman-Hillard recently rebranded themselves as FleishmanHillard with a new slogan, "The power of true." I'm especially excited to see how these changes impact the work I'll do this summer at FH in Chicago. The New York Times gives a good outline of everything going on at this agency.

2. 10 happiest cities for young professionals // So happy to see PR Daily name Chicago as the fourth happiest city for young professionals! Another plus for interning there this summer. College graduates, check out this list for those looking to relocate.

3. Spring issue of FORUM // Don't miss the newest issue of PRSSA's FORUM newsletter. Must reads: how to maximize your summer internship experience and the top tech tools for young PR pros. Also, if you weren't able to make it to Albuquerque for National Assembly, read the wrap-up and meet our new National Committee!

4. GolinHarris Named Large Agency Of The Year in Americas Region // The Holmes Report named GolinHarris the large agency of the year. Congrats! Plus, check out the other agencies that made the list. Such exciting news!

5. Take Flight With PR Contest // Want to win a trip to NYC, network with PR professionals, and get $2,500 in cash?! Sign me up! All you have to do is create a video answering the sentence, "A Career in PR is an opportunity for me to: _______________” Get those creative juices flowing! Submissions are due June 28.

6. New Executive Board Members // Shameless promotion, but the Beth Wood Chapter of PRSSA at IU selected their new executive board members for next year. I will be President again and I am so excited to work with the new Board. Get excited for another great year of PRSSA!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Say "Thank You" In Style

I'm sure everyone knows that thank you notes are imperative in the job and internship search—in any field. If you need some more convincing, see here and here. And hand-written thank you notes are even better. I mean, who doesn't love receiving snail mail every once in a while?

However, very few applicants actually send them, and of those that do, you can bet they are the ones getting the second interview! It's an extra touch that shows you care and are truly interested in the position.

Plus, they are a great way to show your personal style. But again, there is a fine line between the thank you notes that you sent out after your high school graduation party, and the ones that are appropriate for employers to see.

I compiled a selection of professional stationery ideas that are the perfect graduation present (for high schoolers and college graduates) or to celebrate landing your first summer internship!

1. My mom got this personalized stationery set for me for Christmas last year and I can't tell you how many times I've used them since (I sent A LOT of thank you notes after internship interviews this spring). I like the simple ivory color and basic script personalization on the front. It's a nice, professional touch and there is just enough writing space inside the card. Perfect in any situation! // American Stationery 

2. I really like the engraved initials in this set. It gives the cards an elegant touch which will make you stand out of the pack (literally!) of applicants. These cards will reiterate the fact that you are professional and ready to get the job done, while also looking good. // The Stationery Studio

3. Can I just say I love the chevron print on the bottom of these cards?! While these wouldn't be the best in a corporate environment (a little too much personality for my taste), they would be perfect to keep in touch with professional contacts or to just say "I'm thinking of you." You can change the color of the print and the envelope, but I'm just loving this coral hue right now. // Paper Source

What kind of stationery do you like best for professional follow-ups?